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UROSE 2014 - URO Special Event 2014

INTERCONTINENTAL GRAND STANFORD HONG KONG, 70 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Event Description

UROSE: URO Special Event 2014
"Hybridizing finance and agriculture"

The purpose of UROSE 2014 is to launch multiple new products and services in the global blockchain ecosystem, as well as providing a centre for the understanding and discussion of URO, the world’s first urea commodity token and decentralized urea exchange network.

Due to the complex nature of the Urea fertilizer trade, URO is less understood than most other block chain projects. We feel it is necessary to hold an event for the public to appreciate the true scale of our world-changing initiatives, and offer face-to-face interaction with all of the companies, organisations and people involved with the Urocoin project.

In addition to the discussion of URO, UROSE will feature exciting announcements from the blockchain industry at large, with top secret reveals from organisations in multiple verticals.

Please see for full details
Map of Event Location
Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm